Michael Lee Wood


I am an assistant professor of Sociology at Brigham Young University (BYU). I completed my PhD in Sociology at the University of Notre Dame.

I am a cultural sociologist with special interests in cognition, religion, and computational methods. I study the cultural and social dynamics that affect reasoning and behavior (including parenting decisions and church attendance), and develop computational tools for measuring culture. I am a contributor at Culture, Cognition, and Action.

selected publications

  1. Poetics
    Cultural Power via Contaminating Dualities
    Michael Lee Wood, and Travis Ashby
    Poetics, 2025
  2. JSSR
    Making Space Behind the Veil: Black Agency within a predominantly White Religion
    Michael Lee Wood, Grace Soelberg , and Jacob S. Rugh
    Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2023
  3. SPQ
    Measuring Cultural Diversity in Text with Word Counts
    Michael Lee Wood
    Social Psychology Quarterly, 2023
  4. Soc Theory
    Schemas and frames
    Michael Lee Wood, Dustin S. Stoltz, Justin Van Ness, and Marshall A. Taylor
    Sociological Theory, 2018
  5. Soc Theory
    What are dual process models? Implications for cultural analysis in sociology
    Omar Lizardo, Robert Mowry, Brandon SepulvadoDustin S. StoltzMarshall A. Taylor, Justin Van Ness, and Michael Wood
    Sociological Theory, 2016